Casting The Vision

Casting the vision

What is the vision you hold for your business or organization? Is it big, is it bold, is it more than you could ever do alone? Whatever that vision may look like it needs to drive everything you and your team do on a day to day basis regarding your business or organization.

Your vision needs to hook your emotions, and even harness the emotions of others. Pat Williams, in his book Leadership Excellence, says, “If your vision doesn’t cause your pulse to quicken, if your vision isn’t so huge and awe-inspiring that it seems almost beyond your reach, then it’s not truly a vision.” When you are emotionally charged by your vision, you will do almost anything to make it reality. A strong vision will keep you driven when you are out of energy or discouraged; it will keep you on course when something else wonderful comes alone. Casting the vision is one of the most important things effective leaders do for themselves and those they lead. That is why a strong emotionally charged vision is so important in anything we choose to pursue.

But having a vision is just the first step. It is nothing without the subsequent  steps that make our vision work for us. Andy Stanley, founding pastor of Atlanta’s North Point Community Church, understood the steps to harnessing a vision for his church. He wrote a book about it entitled Visioneering. I like that title, because it suggests something much more involved than just having a mental picture in our mind. Making our vision work for us will take intentionality, purposefulness, and perseverance. Very much like an engineer who has a vision of a bridge, makes detailed drawings of that bridge, and then creates step by step plans to make the vision become reality.

Do you want to learn more about “Casting the Vision” and how to implement your own vision for success? Join for our first series of purposeful executive and leadership development. We call it Four Cornerstones of Leadership. Open to everyone who has a vision to carry out, or is in search of one, sessions kick off on Tuesday, August 19, 2014. This is a mobile telephonic class that can make a real difference in helping you identify and cast your vision. All calls begin at 6 PM Central Time, wherever you live or work. Hope to have you with us.

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